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Did you know?

"All easements donated in perpetuity for use as nature trails by the public qualify for the tax credit under the Virginia Land Conservation Act"

-- Virginia Tax Commissioner


By Virginia law, there is no liability for property owners who give permission for people to walk or ride horses or bicycles on their property. (Virginia Code §29.1-509)


If privacy is a concern, the propery owner or the Great Falls Trail Blazers can plant native plants alongside the trail.


Thieves tend to shy away from areas where people are active. People using trails provide a deterrent to thieves by their very presence.

If the property is on a major road, attractive barriers that meet VDOT standards can be placed between the trail and the road.

Granting an Easement

  • Property owners can grant an easement to make a trail permanent and qualify for a tax credit. The easement is recorded on the deed of the property filed with the County.
  • Giving an easement does not reduce the size of the property.
  • To claim a tax credit, the value of the property must be assessed.
  • If a Federal grant is obtained, the easement will be purchased, although the property owner still owns the land.
  • The dedication of an easement can be granted:
    • to an individual
    • to an organization
    • for certain uses: horseback riding, hiking, bicycling
  • Fairfax County is willing to hold easements from willing landowners.
  • Contact Trail Blazers for information about how to give an easement.


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